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Harcot Apricot:  From Canada. Frost hardy late bloom. Resists brown rot and perennial canker. Medium to large fruit with sweet, juicy, rich flavor - one of the best. 700 hours of chill required. Self-fruitful. Ripens June 5 to 17 here in the valley.

Heritage Raspberry: Everbearing - Large, sweet, dark red berries. Mild flavor and excellent quality. Good for all uses. Moderate early crop in June, July. Heavier late crop August through fall. Berries keep well on or off the vine. Upright growth habit. Self-fruitful. Best in Zones 4-11. Not available for the 2022 season.

Pink Lemonade: Pink Lemonade is unique in edible fruits. White translucent berries mature to a luscious bright pink and taste wonderfully sweet with a firm, clear texture. 'Pink Lemonade' will produce farther south than many traditional blueberry cultivars. Not available for the 2022 season.

Black Jack Fig:  The Black Jack is a large purplish-brown fig with a sweet strawberry-colored flesh.  As a naturally semi-dwarf, it is an excellent choice in areas where space is limited.  It can be used as a garden tree or landscape tree, easily maintained at 6 ft tall with annual pruning. This fig is a full sun plant and requires regularly watering for maximum fruiting.  It is self-fruitful and hardy in zones 7 to 10.  It requires 100 chill ours and is harvestable from August to mid-October in Central California. Not available for the 2022 season.

Improved Brown Turkey Fig: This fig has brownish skin with a pink, sweet center.  It is highly adaptable and is an optimal choice for gardeners as it can handle both coastal and in-land climates.  It reaches heights of 15' to 25'  with regular watering.  It is hardy in zones 7 to 9 and reqires 100 chill hours. It is a full sun plant and can bear fruit twice a year (late spring and late summer.)  It can be easily pruned into any shape for landscaping purposes.

Ischia Fig: A.k.a. "Verte". Small to medium greenish-yellow fruit with a fairly tight eye. Pulp is strawberry red, with fine flavor and excellent quality. Compact growth habit, a natural semi-dwarf. Both breba and summer crop are heavy. Birds do not find its green color attractive. Required chill 100 hours or less. Self-fruitful. Best in zones 7-10. Not available for the 2022 season.

Kadota Fig: This fig has a yellowish-green skin with amber-colored flesh.  Though it is not as "attactive" as other figs, it is just as delicious.  It is a moderate grower standing between 15' and 25' at full maturity.  It, like other figs, is easily pruned to any shape.  The Kadota fig has the added benefit of being mildly deer resistant, making it a excellent choice for rural living.  It does require hot weather to ripen properly and 100 chills for growth management.

Limequat: A beautiful hybrid of key lime and round kumquat, this small tree makes an excellent choice for container growing.  It is easily managed with pruning.  The tree offers repeat flowing for 5 to 7 months out of the year weather permitting.  It produces elongated fruit similar to a kumquat and can be picked green or allowed to ripen on the tree.  The longer they remain on the tree the sweeter they become. They are more cold hardy than limes, but should be covered if winter temperatures fall beflore 50 degrees.  They grow best in composted, well-drained rocky soil.

Nagami Kumquat: This tree is an excellent choice for the Central Valley grower as it requires high heat for proper growth and can withstand temperatures as low as 14 degrees F without injury.  It does require weekly watering.  The oblong fruit is unique in that it is one of the few cirtrus that is eaten whole with its sour pulp and sweet tasting rind. This tree is slow growing reaching a maximum height of 8'.  It c an be grown in cotainers or planted in-ground.  It has even been used as a bonzai tree.   It is evergreen with repeat flowering and late fall harvest.

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Emerald Drop Pluot® Interspecific Plum: Medium to large fruit with green skin and yellow-orange flesh. Prolonged harvest: early picked fruit is firm, yet juicy and sweet. Left to hang, fruit turns greenish-yellow with honey-like orange flesh. Upright tree sets heavy crops once established. Harvest mid-July to late August. Originally tasted tested as 7HC165. 400 hours or less. Pollenized by Flavor Grenade Pluot® or Santa Rosa plum. (Pat. No. 14599) (Zaiger)

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Excellent backyard apricot for warm winter climates. Freestone, very good quality. Heavy bearing.

  • 300 chill hour requirement.

  • Harvest between May 26 - June 5 in the valley.

  • Self-fruitful.


Long-time favorite in California and Western Oregon. Small to medium-sized white-fleshed freestone. Aromatic, juicy and sweet. Requires 400 chill hours. Not available for the 2022 season.

  • Ripens beginning to mid August. 

  • Estimated chilling requirement of 100 - 200 hours.

  • Self fruitful.


Moonglow: Moonglows produce large, firm fruit excellent for canning or eaten fresh.  The spur-type tree is very productive offering midseason blooming and harvests as early as mid-July.  Moonglow trees require far fewer chill hours than most pears coming in around 400 to 500 hours.  It does require a pollenizer, but makes a good pollenizer for other pear trees. Consider planting more than one or with other pear varieties like Harrow Delight.  Moonglow pear trees are fireblight resistant. Fireblight disease is a problem for pear producers in the Central Valley, and gardeners are encouraged to only plant Fireblight-resistant varieties like Harrow Delight, Moonglow, and Warren. Only available in a multi grafted tree for the 2022 season.

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