20th Century Asian Pear: Juicy, sweet, mild flavored fruit is crisp like an apple. Keeps well. Easy to grow, heavy bearing small tree.
Ripens between August 8 to 23 in Central CA.
Estimated chilling requirement of 300 - 400 hours.
Partially self fruitful, but will set a heavier crop if pollinated by Shinseiki Asian Pear.

This yellow and light-golden pear was developed in Kearneysville, WV. Resistant to fire blight. Ripens10-14 days after Bartlett. USDA Zones 5-9. Only available in a multi grafted tree for the 2023 season.
Ripens between late September to early October in Central CA.
Estimated chilling requirement of 800 hours.
Pollenated by Bartlett, Harrow Delight or Warren.
This gem of a tree produces fruit similar to a Bartlett, however, the Harrow Delight is fireblight resistant. With its blushed, yellow skin, the fruit is smooth and fine with great flavor. It is an early to mid-season bloomer with harvests as early as late July. It is interfruitful with Barlett, Bosc, D'Anjou, and Moonglow pears and does require a pollenizer. Fireblight disease is a problem for pear producers in the Central Valley, and gardeners are encouraged to only plant Fireblight-resistant varieties like Harrow Delight, Moonglow, and Warren. Only available in a multi grafted tree for the 2023 season.
Ripens early to mid-July in Central CA.
Requires 800 chill hours for maximum production.
Pollenated by Bartlett, Harrow Delight or Warren.

Medium to large late season fruit for canning and cooking. Sprightly flavor, coarse texture. Resists fire blight, tolerates hot climates. Dependable crops. Only available in a multi grafted tree for the 2023 season.
Ripens September 15 to October 10 in Central CA.
Estimated chilling requirement of 200 - 300 hours.
Juicy, sweet, refreshing, crisp like an apple. Easy to grow. Keeps well. Bright yellow skin. Vigorous, heavy bearing (usually by 2nd year).
Ripening time is July 25 to August 10 in Central CA.
Estimated chilling requirement of 250 to 300 hours.

Warren Pear trees are an excellent choice for Central Valley gardeners looking to plant pear trees. The tree is highly fireblight resistant. The fruit of the tree is smooth and juicy with a sweet, buttery flavor. It makes a wonderful dessert pear. Fireblight disease is a problem for pear producers in the Central Valley, and gardeners are encouraged to only plant Fireblight-resistant varieties like Harrow Delight, Moonglow, and Warren. Only available in a multi grafted tree for the 2023 season.
Late-midseason bloomer with harvests beginning in early August.
Estimated chilling requirement of 600 chill hours.